Truly official records, Mt. Rainier, Mt. Hood
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2015-01-30 05:45:14 UTC
A cool article on this from Greece about Dan Howitt true official records
Photo gallery showing summit photos for each peak.

Dan Howitt challenged a popular Seattle climber, Chad Kellogg, his 1998 Rainier claim.

Howitt spoke to a close friend of Kellogg, Mike Gauthier, a head park Ranger at Rainier at the time who's close friends with the owner Jon Ryan of the popular forum cascadeclimbers.com.

Gauthier became vicious against Howitt, turned to the forum, started 4 months of daily abuse.

Gauthier is close friends with a RMI Guide who teaches a class on criminal Cyberbullying to junior high school students. The Guide was proven to join in the abuse on the forum using several alias-names. Daily abuse for 4 months. The Guide's boss was contacted and others, each were shocked the Guide would resort to this. About every morning, every day of the week, for months. Mental illness.

Kellogg's 1998 Rainier claim was PROVEN fraudulent by Howitt

Fraud Denali claim, fraud Rainier claim.
Kellogg's popularity with his climbing community of thousands from decades of climbing. They couldn't handle him being outted as a fraud, used the internet to attack Howitt, including their connections in the Washington media and website news.

Gauthier, Ryan, RMI guide, and others, abused Howitt for several months.
The RMI guide was revealed by Howitt for his name. The RMI guide sued Howitt to protect himself from being caught for his abuse.

The RMI guide posts dozens of pages of obsessive abuse and fraud. Including route photos from 4+ weeks earlier showing different route conditions than what Howitt described. The Guide even gave the dates of the photos on the forum but no one cared. The route conditions change each week greatly. His photos showed penitentes spikes and lots of snow. They melt away by September and October every year as everyone knows. The Guide made intentional false claims and was given control of the forum.

The RMI guide claimed many Rainier-records in the past, none with dates, none with photos anywhere, none with start times, summit times, finish times, none with elapsed times with hours, minutes. Hans Florine was shocked at the lack of basic documentation. speedclimb.com

Kellogg's climbing community outraged at the revealing of his fraud lashed out at Howitt with Internet criminal stalking. Police were called on Jon Ryan and Tim Crawford co-owner of the website.

Jon Ryan began incessant fraud against Howitt. Personal attacks, threats of violence, threats 6-7 computer locations used to make 10 posts to support Howitt on his forum were all from 1 location, fraud Howitt used 1 computer, fraud about media publishing articles on him, sexual vulgarity, lies about being threatened. Jon Ryan's boss reported Ryan is "extremely aggressive". Ryan is a laboratory scientist who works mostly alone and who appears suffering from Anti Social Personality Disorder. Please contact Redmond Washington Police if he has abused you.

Gauthier, Ryan, Kellogg, RMI guide used their popularity to deceive the Washington media. They also incessantly posted on forums across the US.

Kellogg is widely recognized as the most major mountaineering fraud of recent time. Kellogg like Dr. Fred Cook of the 1906 Denali fraud used his popularity to win people over and protect himself. Kellogg was a double dealing fraud of all time.
2015-02-01 23:38:12 UTC
Post by Rainieering
A cool article on this from Greece about Dan Howitt true official records
Photo gallery showing summit photos for each peak.
Dan Howitt challenged a popular Seattle climber, Chad Kellogg, his 1998 Rainier claim.
Howitt spoke to a close friend of Kellogg, Mike Gauthier, a head park Ranger at Rainier at the time who's close friends with the owner Jon Ryan of the popular forum cascadeclimbers.com.
Gauthier became vicious against Howitt, turned to the forum, started 4 months of daily abuse.
Gauthier is close friends with a RMI Guide who teaches a class on criminal Cyberbullying to junior high school students. The Guide was proven to join in the abuse on the forum using several alias-names. Daily abuse for 4 months. The Guide's boss was contacted and others, each were shocked the Guide would resort to this. About every morning, every day of the week, for months. Mental illness.
Kellogg's 1998 Rainier claim was PROVEN fraudulent by Howitt
Fraud Denali claim, fraud Rainier claim.
Kellogg's popularity with his climbing community of thousands from decades of climbing. They couldn't handle him being outted as a fraud, used the internet to attack Howitt, including their connections in the Washington media and website news.
Gauthier, Ryan, RMI guide, and others, abused Howitt for several months.
The RMI guide was revealed by Howitt for his name. The RMI guide sued Howitt to protect himself from being caught for his abuse.
The RMI guide posts dozens of pages of obsessive abuse and fraud. Including route photos from 4+ weeks earlier showing different route conditions than what Howitt described. The Guide even gave the dates of the photos on the forum but no one cared. The route conditions change each week greatly. His photos showed penitentes spikes and lots of snow. They melt away by September and October every year as everyone knows. The Guide made intentional false claims and was given control of the forum.
The RMI guide claimed many Rainier-records in the past, none with dates, none with photos anywhere, none with start times, summit times, finish times, none with elapsed times with hours, minutes. Hans Florine was shocked at the lack of basic documentation. speedclimb.com
Kellogg's climbing community outraged at the revealing of his fraud lashed out at Howitt with Internet criminal stalking. Police were called on Jon Ryan and Tim Crawford co-owner of the website.
Jon Ryan began incessant fraud against Howitt. Personal attacks, threats of violence, threats 6-7 computer locations used to make 10 posts to support Howitt on his forum were all from 1 location, fraud Howitt used 1 computer, fraud about media publishing articles on him, sexual vulgarity, lies about being threatened. Jon Ryan's boss reported Ryan is "extremely aggressive". Ryan is a laboratory scientist who works mostly alone and who appears suffering from Anti Social Personality Disorder. Please contact Redmond Washington Police if he has abused you.
Gauthier, Ryan, Kellogg, RMI guide used their popularity to deceive the Washington media. They also incessantly posted on forums across the US.
Kellogg is widely recognized as the most major mountaineering fraud of recent time. Kellogg like Dr. Fred Cook of the 1906 Denali fraud used his popularity to win people over and protect himself. Kellogg was a double dealing fraud of all time.
RAINIER summit
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HOOD summit
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SHASTA summit
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ADAMS summit